Usage: java -jar admin.jar ormi://<:port> username password [comm
Commands are:
-shutdown [force|ordinary] [reason] - shuts the entire server down
-restart [reason] - restarts the entire server
-deploy [subswitches] - (re)deploys an application. Sub-switches are:
-file [filename] - Enterprise Archive to deploy
-deploymentName [name] - Name of the application deployment
-targetPath [path] - The path on the remote OS to place the archive at. If no
t specified the applications directory is used
-parent [name] - Specifying parent application of this application, the defau
lt is the global ('default') application
-deploymentDirectory [path] - Root of the deployment configurations, "[NONE]"
to place them inside the .ear
-cluster - Signals that the deployment should be propagated to other live clu
ster nodes if part of a cluster
-iiopClientJar - the path on the local OS to place the jar file containing th
e application client stubs
-undeploy [application name] [subswitches] - remove a previously deployed applic
-keepFiles - keep the generated application's files.
-site [subswitches] - configures a site. Sub-switches are:
-add - adds a site
-host [host] - host/IP of this site
-port [port] - port of this site
-display-name [display-name] - display name of this site
-virtual-hosts [virtual-hosts] - virtual hosts of this site
-secure [secure] - true if this site is secure; otherwise false
-factory [factory] - name of SSLServerSocketFactory implementation if not
using JSSE
-keystore [keystore] - the relative/absolute path to a keystore used by th
is site
-storepass [storepass] - keystore password
-provider [provider] - the provider used if not using JSSE
-needs-client-auth [needs-client-auth] - true if needs client auth; otherw
ise false
-remove - removes a site
-host [host] - host/IP of the site to be removed
-port [port] - port of the site to be removed
-test - tests a site
-host [host] - host/IP of the site to be tested
-port [port] - port of the site to be tested
-list - lists all sites
-update - updates a site
-oldHost [host] - old host/IP of this site
-oldPort [port] - old port of this site
-newHost [host] - new host/IP of this site
-newPort [port] - new port of this site
-display-name [display-name] - display name of this site
-virtual-hosts [virtual-hosts] - virtual hosts of this site
-secure [secure] - true if this site is secure; otherwise false
-factory [factory] - name of SSLServerSocketFactory implementation if not
using JSSE
-keystore [keystore] - the relative/absolute path to a keystore used by th
is site
-storepass [storepass] - keystore password
-provider [provider] - the provider used if not using JSSE
-needs-client-auth [needs-client-auth] - true if needs client auth; otherw
ise false
-bindWebApp [application deployment name] [web-app name] [web-site name] [contex
t root] - binds a web app to the specified site + root
-application [name] [command] - application specific command, subcommands includ
-dataSourceInfo - gets info about the installed datasources
-restart - restarts the application, this will trigger auto-deployment if ena
bled and a file has been touched
-addUser [username] [password] - adds a user to the application
-listDataSource - lists the installed datasources
-removeDataSource - removes an existing datasource, arguments are:
-location [location] - the namespace location for the source, for instance
-testDataSource - tests an existing datasource, arguments are:
-location [location] - the namespace location for the source, for instance
-username [username] - the username to login
-password [password] - the password to login
-installDataSource - installs a new datasource, arguments are:
-jar [path] - path to a jar file to add to the server's library
-url [url] - the JDBC database URL
-location [location] - the namespace location for the raw source, for inst
ance jdbc/DefaultRawDS
-pooledLocation [pooledLocation] - the namespace location for the pooled s
ource, for instance jdbc/DefaultPooledDS
-xaLocation [xaLocation] - the namespace location for the XA source, for i
nstance jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS
-ejbLocation [ejbLocation] - the namespace location for the EJB source, fo
r instance jdbc/DefaultEJBDS - this is the source usually used by applications
-username [username] - the username to login
-password [password] - the password to login
-connectionDriver [drivername] - the JDBC database driver class, for insta
nce com.mydb.Driver
-className [className] - the datasource class name, for instance com.everm
-sourceLocation [sourceLocation] - the underlying data source of this spec
ialized data source
-xaSourceLocation [xaSourceLocation] - the underlying XADataSource of this
specialized data source
-updateDataSource - updates an existing datasource, arguments are:
-oldLocation [oldLocation] - the old namespace location for the source, fo
r instance jdbc/DefaultDS
-newLocation [newLocation] - the new namespace location for the source, fo
r instance jdbc/DefaultDS
-jar [path] - path to a jar file to add to the server's library
-url [url] - the JDBC database URL
-pooledLocation [pooledLocation] - the namespace location for the pooled s
ource, for instance jdbc/DefaultPooledDS
-xaLocation [xaLocation] - the namespace location for the XA source, for i
nstance jdbc/xa/DefaultXADS
-ejbLocation [ejbLocation] - the namespace location for the EJB source, fo
r instance jdbc/DefaultEJBDS - this is the source usually used by applications
-username [username] - the username to login
-password [password] - the password to login
-connectionDriver [drivername] - the JDBC database driver class, for insta
nce com.mydb.Driver
-className [className] - the datasource class name, for instance com.everm
-sourceLocation [sourceLocation] - the underlying data source of this spec
ialized data source
-xaSourceLocation [xaSourceLocation] - the underlying XADataSource of this
specialized data source
-deployconnector - deploy a Connector Architecture compliant resource adapter (R
AR), arguments are:
-file [path] - path to the Resource Adapter Archive to deploy
-name [name] - name of the resource adapter deployment
-nativeLibPath [path] - path to the native libraries within the RAR archive
-grantAllPermissions - grant all runtime permissions requested by the RAR
-undeployconnector - undeploy a Connector Architecture compliant resource adapte
r (RAR), arguments are:
-name [name] - name of the resource adapter deployment
-keepFiles - keep the generated files.
C:\>java -jar C:\oc4j\j2ee\home\admin.jar ormi://localhost admin welcome
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Just testing!
7bpl0P Your blog is great. Articles is interesting!
rbqrUq Nice Article.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Hello all!
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Hello all!
duPuqG Thanks to author.
Good job!
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